
Using this builder it’s possible to unsubscribe from multiple topics using only one packet.


  • WithUserProperty(string key, string value)

A key-value pair can be added to the packet.

  • WithTopicFilter(UnsubscribeTopicFilterBuilder topic)

An UnsubscribeTopicFilterBuilder represents a topic to unsubscribe from.

  • BeginUnsubscribe()

By calling BeginUnsubscribe() the packet will be built and the plugin starts to send it to the broker.


An UnsubscribeTopicFilterBuilder represents a topic to unsubscribe from.


  • UnsubscribeTopicFilterBuilder(string filter)

The filter must be the very same filter that the client originally used in its subscription request.


  • WithAcknowledgementCallback(UnSubscribeAcknowledgementDelegate acknowledgementCallback)

A callback can be added that will be called when the server acknowledges the unscubscription. Any other reason code than Success is an error and means that unsubscribing from the topic failed.

void UnSubscribeAcknowledgement(MQTTClient client, string topicName, UnsubscribeAckReasonCodes reasonCode)

Possible reason codes:

  • Success
  • NoSubscriptionExisted
  • UnspecifiedError
  • ImplementationSpecificError
  • NotAuthorized
  • TopicFilterInvalid
  • PacketIdentifierInUse


    .WithTopicFilter(new UnsubscribeTopicFilterBuilder("$SYS/#")
    .WithTopicFilter(new UnsubscribeTopicFilterBuilder("best_mqtt/test_topic")

private void UnSubscribeAcknowledgementCallback(MQTTClient client, string topicName, UnsubscribeAckReasonCodes reasonCode)
    Debug.Log($"Unsubscribe request from {topicName} returned: {reasonCode}");