
Using this type of builder the client can send more authentication data or reauthenticate after the broker sends an authentication request.

See also the Extended Authentication topic.


  • WithReasonCode(AuthReasonCodes authReason)

Reason while the authentication packet is sent. Available reason codes:

Reason Code Description
ContinueAuthentication Continue the authentication with another step
ReAuthenticate Initiate a re-authentication

While the Success reason code also available, the client must not send it.

  • WithAuthenticationMethod(string method)

    The name of the authentication method.

  • WithAuthenticationData(byte[] data)

    Binary data containing authentication data.

  • WithReasonString(string reason)

    Human readable text, designed for diagnostics.

  • WithUserProperty(string key, string value)

    Key-value pairs to allow sending more diagnostic data.


client = new MQTTClient(options);
client.OnAuthenticationMessage += OnAuthenticationCallback;

private void OnAuthenticationCallback(MQTTClient client, AuthenticationMessage message)
    switch (message.ReasonCode)
        // Successfully authenticated
        case AuthReasonCodes.Success: break;

        // Server requires re-authentication of the client.
        case AuthReasonCodes.ReAuthenticate:
            string token = "<new token>";


        // Server needs more data
        case AuthReasonCodes.ContinueAuthentication: