After you imported the package, you should add a using statement to your source file like any other regular usings:

using BestHTTP;

GET Requests

The simplest way to do a request to a web server is to create a HTTPRequest object providing the url and a callback function to it’s constructor. After we constructed a new HTTPRequest object the only thing we need to do, is actually send the request with the Send() function. Let’s see an example:

HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), OnRequestFinished);

The OnRequestFinished() function’s implementation might be this:

void OnRequestFinished(HTTPRequest request, HTTPResponse response)
	Debug.Log("Request Finished! Text received: " + response.DataAsText);

As you can see the callback function always receives the original HTTPRequest object and an HTTPResponse object that holds the response from the server. The HTTPResponse object is null if there were an error and the request object has an Exception property that might carry extra information about the error if there were any.

While the requests are always processed on separate threads, calling the callback function is done on Unity’s main thread, so we don’t have to do any thread synchronization.

If we want to write more compact code we can use c#’s lambda expressions. In this example we don’t even need a temporary variable:

new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), (request, response) => Debug.Log("Finished!"))

POST Requests

The above examples were simple GET requests. If we don’t specify the method, all requests will be GET requests by default. The constructor has another parameter that can be used to specify the method of the request:

HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), HTTPMethods.Post, OnRequestFinished);
request.AddField("FieldName", "Field Value");

To POST any data without setting a field you can use the RawData property:

HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), HTTPMethods.Post, OnRequestFinished);
request.RawData =  Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Field Value");

For additional samples check out the Small Code-Samples section.

Beside GET and POST you can use the HEAD, PUT, DELETE and PATCH methods as well:

Head Requests

HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), HTTPMethods.Head, OnRequestFinished);

Put Requests

HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), HTTPMethods.Put, OnRequestFinished);

Delete Requests

HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), HTTPMethods.Delete, OnRequestFinished);

Patch Requests

HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), HTTPMethods.Patch, OnRequestFinished);

How To Access The Downloaded Data

Most of the time we use our requests to receive some data from a server. The raw bytes can be accessed from the HTTPResponse object’s Data property. Let’s see an example how to download an image:

new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""), (request, response) =>
	var tex = new Texture2D(0, 0);
	guiTexture.texture = tex;

Beside of DataAsTexture2D there is a DataAsText property too to decode the response as an Utf8 string.

More Examples

More examples and sample code snippets can be found under the Small Code-Samples topic, like

  1. How to send binary data in a Form
  2. How to send JSON data
  3. How to access response headers