Collection of tips and tricks to optmize various aspects of the plugin.

Wrap multiple calls with PacketBufferHelper

Using PacketBufferHelper we can buffer up MQTT packets and send them in fewer network packets:

private void OnConnected(MQTTClient client)
    using (new PacketBufferHelper(client))


                .WithPayload("Hello MQTT World!")
                .WithContentType("text/plain; charset=UTF-8")

Use Topic Aliases

To spare sending the topic name every time with an application message a topic alias can be added. It’s recommended to use it for long or frequantly used topic names.

private void OnConnected(MQTTClient client)

AddTopicAlias doesn’t generate a packet, the mapping is sent with the next application message that going to be sent with that topic name.

Compress text payloads

Large text payloads should be sent compressed when possible. Using the WithContentType the publisher can indicate that the payload is compressed and subscribers can act accordingly.