- Description
- Functions
- WithOptions(ConnectionOptions options)
- WithOptions(ConnectionOptionsBuilder builder)
- WithEventHandler(OnConnectedDelegate onConnected)
- WithEventHandler(OnServerConnectAckMessageDelegate onServerConnectAckMessage)
- WithEventHandler(OnApplicationMessageDelegate onApplicationMessage)
- WithEventHandler(OnAuthenticationMessageDelegate onAuthenticationMessage)
- WithEventHandler(OnErrorDelegate onError)
- WithEventHandler(OnDisconnectDelegate onDisconnect)
- WithEventHandler(OnStateChangedDelegate onStateChanged)
- CreateClient()
- Examples
Builder class to help creating MQTTClient instances.
All functions except CreateClient
returns with the MQTTClientBuilder
instance to be able to chain function calls together.
The MQTTClient going to use the options passed to this function.
The MQTTClient going to use the options built by the builder passed to this function.
The MQTTClient going to be created with this OnConnected
event handler. The OnConnected
event is called when the client succesfully connects with its transport to the broker and the protocol negotiation completes.
private void OnConnected(MQTTClient client)
// ...
The MQTTClient going to be created with this OnServerConnectAckMessage
event handler. The OnServerConnectAckMessage
event is called when the client receives the response for its connect packet (see MQTTClient’s BeginConnect
private void OnServerConnectAckMessage(MQTTClient client, ServerConnectAckMessage message)
// ...
is called no matter how the connection negotiation went, the negotiation result is in the message
’s ReasonCodeThe MQTTClient going to be created with this OnApplicationMessage
event handler. The OnApplicationMessage
event is called for every application message the client receives.
private void OnApplicationMessage(MQTTClient client, ApplicationMessage message)
// ...
The MQTTClient going to be created with this OnAuthenticationMessage
event handler. The OnAuthenticationMessage
event is called when the broker requires more authentication data from the client (see the extended authentication topic).
private void OnAuthenticationCallback(MQTTClient client, AuthenticationMessage message)
// ...
The MQTTClient going to be created with this OnError
event handler. The OnError
event is called when an unexpected, unrecoverable error happens. After an OnError
call the MQTTClient
is is in a faulted state and will not be able to send and receive messages.
private void OnError(MQTTClient client, string error)
// ...
The MQTTClient going to be created with this OnDisconnect
event handler. The OnDisconnect
event is called when the client gracefully disconnects from the broker or after an OnError event. Graceful disconnection can be initiated by both the client or broker.
private void OnDisconnectDelegate(MQTTClient client, DisconnectReasonCodes reasonCode, string reasonMessage)
// ...
Possible reason codes from the broker:
Reason Code | Description |
NormalDisconnection | Close the connection normally. Do not send the Will Message. |
UnspecifiedError | The connection is closed but the sender either does not wish to reveal the reason, or none of the other Reason Codes apply. |
MalformedPacket | The received packet does not conform to this specification. |
ProtocolError | An unexpected or out of order packet was received. |
ImplementationSpecificError | The packet received is valid but cannot be processed by this implementation. |
NotAuthorized | The request is not authorized. |
ServerBusy | The broker is busy and cannot continue processing requests from this client. |
ServerShuttingDown | The broker is shutting down. |
KeepAliveTimeout | The connection is closed because no packet has been received for 1.5 times the Keepalive time. |
SessionTakenOver | Another connection using the same client ID has connected causing this connection to be closed. |
TopicFilterInvalid | The Topic Filter is correctly formed, but is not accepted by this broker. |
TopicNameInvalid | The Topic Name is correctly formed, but is not accepted by this broker. |
ReceiveMaximumExceeded | The broker has received more than Receive Maximum publication for which it has not sent PUBACK or PUBCOMP. |
TopicAliasInvalid | The broker has received a PUBLISH packet containing a Topic Alias which is greater than the Maximum Topic Alias it sent in the connect acknowledgement packet. |
PacketTooLarge | The packet size is greater than Maximum Packet Size for this broker. |
MessageRateTooHigh | The received data rate is too high. |
QuotaExceeded | An implementation or administrative imposed limit has been exceeded. |
AdministrativeAction | The connection is closed due to an administrative action. |
PayloadFormatInvalid | The payload format does not match the one specified by the Payload Format Indicator. |
RetainNotSupported | The broker has does not support retained messages. |
QoSNotSupported | The client specified a QoS greater than the QoS specified in a Maximum QoS in the server connect acknowledgement. |
UseAnotherServer | The client should temporarily change its broker. |
ServerMoved | The broker is moved and the client should permanently change its server location. |
SharedSubscriptionsNotSupported | The broker does not support Shared Subscriptions. |
ConnectionRateExceeded | This connection is closed because the connection rate is too high. |
MaximumConnectTime | The maximum connection time authorized for this connection has been exceeded. |
SubscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported | The broker does not support Subscription Identifiers, hence the subscription is not accepted. |
WildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported | The broker does not support Wildcard Subscriptions, hence the subscription is not accepted. |
The MQTTClient going to be created with this OnStateChanged
event handler. The OnStateChanged
event is called when the internal state of the client is changed.
private void OnStateChanged(MQTTClient client, ClientStates oldState, ClientStates newState)
// ...
Possible states of an MQTTClient
State | Description |
Initial | State right after constructing the MQTTClient. |
TransportConnecting | The selected transport’s connection process started. |
TransportConnected | Transport successfully connected to the broker. |
Connected | Connect packet sent and acknowledgement received from the broker. |
Disconnecting | Disconnect process initiated. |
Disconnected | Client disconnected from the broker. This could be the result either of a graceful termination or an unexpected error. |
MQTTClient CreateClient()
Creates the final MQTTClient instance with all the options and event handlers.
var options = new ConnectionOptionsBuilder()
.WithTCP("localhost", 1883)
var client = new MQTTClientBuilder()
// Event handler implementations:
private void OnConnected(MQTTClient client)
private void OnError(MQTTClient client, string error)
private void OnDisconnect(MQTTClient client, DisconnectReasonCodes reasonCode, string reasonMessage)
Debug.Log($"OnDisconnect({reasonCode}, \"{reasonMessage}\")");
The same setup but passing the ConnectionOptionsBuilder
to the MQTTClientBuilder
var client = new MQTTClientBuilder()
.WithOptions(new ConnectionOptionsBuilder()
.WithTCP("localhost", 1883)