An application message received from the broker.
Additional details can be found in the ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder documentation.
bool IsDuplicate
if it’s not the first ocassion the broker sent this application message. An application message can duplicated if it has been sent with a QoS level greater than 0 and and it’s not the first time the broker tries to deliver it. -
QoSLevels QoS
QoS level this application message sent with.
bool Retain
if this is a retained application message. -
string Topic
The topic’s name this application message is publish to.
PayloadTypes PayloadFormat
Payload type (binary or text).
TimeSpan ExpiryInterval
Expiry interval of the application message. If this is a retained application message
this value is the original value the application message is sent with minus the time the message has been waiting on the broker. -
string ResponseTopic
Topic name where the publisher waiting for a response to this application message.
BufferSegment CorrelationData
Arbitrary data sent with the application message. When a new message is published to the
as a response to this message, thisCollectionData
should be sent too. -
List<KeyValuePair<string, string» UserProperties
Arbitrary key-value pairs sent with the application message.
string ContentType
Arbitrary content type set by the publisher.
BufferSegment Payload
Payload of the application message.
Receive and use textual payload:
void OnMessage(MQTTClient client, SubscriptionTopic topic, string topicName, ApplicationMessage message)
// Convert the raw payload to a string
var text_payload = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Payload.Data, message.Payload.Offset, message.Payload.Count);
// Print out the Content-Type value and the text payload
Debug.Log($"Content-Type: '{message.ContentType}' Payload: '{text_payload}'");