This documentation belongs to the now deprecated Best HTTP/2. For the latest version, please visit the new documentation site: http://bestdocshub.pages.dev/
List<string> GetHeaderValues(string name): Returns the list of values that received from the server for the given header name. Remarks: All headers converted to lowercase while reading the response. If no header found with the given name or there are no values in the list (eg. Count == 0) returns null.
string GetFirstHeaderValue(string name): Returns the first value in the header list or null if there are no header or value. If no header found with the given name or there are no values in the list (eg. Count == 0) returns null.
bool HasHeaderWithValue(string headerName, string value): Checks if there is a header with the given name and value. Returns true if there is a header with the given name and value.
bool HasHeader(string headerName): Checks if there is a header with the given name. Returns true if there is a header with the given name.
HTTPRange GetRange(): Parses the ‘Content-Range’ header’s value and returns a HTTPRange object. If the server ignores a byte-range-spec because it is syntactically invalid, the server SHOULD treat the request as if the invalid Range header field did not exist. (Normally, this means return a 200 response containing the full entity). In this case because of there are no ‘Content-Range’ header, this function will return null! Returns null if no ‘Content-Range’ header found.