The plugin supports numerous platforms with different File System APIs or no file system access at all. To make the development of the plugin easier, the plugin uses an abstraction of the file system through an BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.FileSystem.IOService interface. There are different implementations for systems that requires it.

Disable File System Accesses

To disable file system access a new IOService implementation can be created:

public sealed class NullIOService : BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.FileSystem.IIOService
    public Stream CreateFileStream(string path, FileStreamModes mode)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void DirectoryCreate(string path)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public bool DirectoryExists(string path)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void FileDelete(string path)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public bool FileExists(string path)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public string[] GetFiles(string path)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

And then set it through the HTTPManager before using the plugin:

BestHTTP.HTTPManager.IOService = new NullIOService();

Cookie Jar, caching service, etc. uses DirectoryExists or FileExists first and if these functions are throwing an exception that service is going to be disabled and no further attempt are made to try accessing the file system.

Setting a custom cache folder path

With default settings all cached content, cookies, etc. are saved under the directory returned by UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath. A new, custom path can be returned by setting a function that returns a string for HTTPManager.RootCacheFolderProvider:

BestHTTP.HTTPManager.RootCacheFolderProvider = () => "my\custom\path\";

In most cases the path returned by UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath is just fine, but in some special cases it can be handy to be able to define a new one.

Nintendo Switch

While i can’t test the plugin on Nintendo’s Switch platform, i’m getting reports that it works fine under it, although the default IOService implementation can cause some trouble. For a quick workaround the RootCacheFolderProvider can be set to do not try to access UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath and an IIOService that doesn’t try to access the file system (like the NullIOService implementation above). As a further improvement a new IOService can be made using Nintendo’s APIs to fully support the required functions.