
There are two types of proxies the plugin supports: HTTP (HTTPProxy) and SOCKS (SOCKSProxy).

A proxy object can be set to a HTTPRequest’s Proxy property. This way the request will be go through the given proxy.

// HTTP Proxy:
request.Proxy = new HTTPProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:3128"));

// SOCKS Proxy:
request.Proxy = new SOCKSProxy(new System.Uri("socks://localhost:3129"), /*credentials: */ null);

You can set a global proxy too, so you don’t have to set it to all request manually or to drive higher level protocols through it:

// Global HTTP Proxy:
HTTPManager.Proxy = new HTTPProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:3128"));

// Global SOCKS Proxy:
HTTPManager.Proxy = new SOCKSProxy(new System.Uri("socks://localhost:3129"), /*credentials: */ null);

See the Global Settings chapter for more settings.


The HTTPProxy implementation supports proxy authentication, explicit, transparent and non-transparent proxies. It supports sending the whole URL to the proxy because some non-transparent proxies expecting it.


Supports only the username/password authentication.

Add Exceptions

To do not route one or more requests through a globally set proxy the proxy’s Exceptions list can be used:

HTTPManager.Proxy = new HTTPProxy(new Uri("http://localhost:8888"), null, true);

// Add exceptions
HTTPManager.Proxy.Exceptions = new List<string>();

// This request not going through the proxy
var request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri(""));

Any request that’s CurrentUri.Host’s beginning matches a string from the proxy’s Exceptions will not going trhough the proxy.

Automatic Proxy Detection

(v2.8.0 or newer versions.)

Automatic proxy detection is coordinated by the ProxyDetector class. It can be disabled by setting HTTPManager.ProxyDetector to null. To set the proxy detector with default settings the following line can be added before sending out the first request:

BestHTTP.HTTPManager.ProxyDetector = new BestHTTP.Proxies.Autodetect.ProxyDetector();

Proxy detection can work in two mode:

  1. ProxyDetectionMode.CacheFirstFound: In this mode the detector will cache (in HTTPManager.Proxy) and reuse the first proxy it can find.
  2. ProxyDetectionMode.Continouos: In Continouos mode the ProxyDetector will check for a proxy for every request.

By default the proxy detector will use ProxyDetectionMode.CacheFirstFound, but it can be changed through its constructor:

BestHTTP.HTTPManager.ProxyDetector = new BestHTTP.Proxies.Autodetect.ProxyDetector(ProxyDetectionMode.Continouos);

Automatic proxy detection can be turned off by setting BestHTTP.HTTPManager.ProxyDetector to null:

BestHTTP.HTTPManager.ProxyDetector = null;

or by calling Detach() on it:


Calling Reattach() or assigning a new ProxyDetector will restart proxy detection:



Not all platforms are supported. Under WebGL proxies are detected/managed by the browser itself. HTTPManager.Proxy, HTTPManager.ProxyDetector and HTTPRequest’s Proxy not even compiled into the build to reduce build size. Proxy detection might or might not work under MacOS and iOS.

Proxy detectors

These are the different implementations of the IProxyDetector interface that the ProxyDetector will use by default.


This detector has the highest priority (it’s the first element of the list of detectors) and it just returns with HTTPManager.Proxy.


It will check for the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, ALL_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables. It can be used for both SOCKS and HTTP proxies.


This one uses the .net implementation of System.Net.WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy(). It can be used for both SOCKS and HTTP proxies.


A detector for Android systems using Java’s ProxySelector.